방콕의 BTS 아쏙역과 MRT 수쿰빗역에 인근한 블레즈 약국 바로 옆에 위치한 블레즈 클리닉은 일반적인 의료 서비스외에도 다양한 미용, 건강 의료 서비스를 제공합니다.
건강검진, 성병검사, 알레르기검사 등 건강 유지를 위한 다양한 검사 뿐만 아니라 동남아시아에서 발생 가능한 인플루엔자, 광견병, 파상풍, 간염 등에 대한 예방접종(백신), 해외 질병 예방주사 접종이 가능합니다. 또한 레이저 제모, 비타민 주사 등 미용 및 건강 목적의 서비스도 제공하고 있습니다.
신종 코로나바이러스에 대한 PCR 검사와 간이 검사 키트 음성 증명서 발급도 가능합니다.

Vitamin IV

Eating an unbalanced diet and Over-drank. IV drip is high recommended.
At BLEZ clinic , Not only IV drip, But also Doctor prescribes some aftercare supplements to boost your immunity.
5 selected course, Charge from 760B~.
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There are 10 more vaccines at the BLEZ clinic.Vaccine - Preventable Diseases for Thai residents, For travelers in Asia, Research your travel destination to find out what travel vaccination/immunizations you should get.Appointment priority. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.
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STI[STD] Tests

Protecting both your self and your partner against STD/STI for wellness life, We recommend constant check-up.
Syphilis, HIV, Hepatitis B/C, Trichomonas and Gonorrhea tests, etc.,
We guard the privacy of the patient’s personal information.
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Health Check-up

If you are 20-30s or starting your first job, and annual health check-up is recommended.
Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start.
For over 30s, Annual physical exam for primary care of illness and lifestyle-related disease.
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Other Treatments

Let's check the weak internal organs regularly with age. The liver and kidney are organs of silence. To a healthy internal organ with the regular examination. H. pylori statistically have possessed by nearly half of Japanese people. You can check it with correct treatment, so let's check it.
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Allergy testing

It is an allergy test which you can choose from 20 kinds of the food system and 20 kinds of animal and plant systems. It is possible to prevent allergens to be tested before an allergy develops and not exceeding the tolerance in the body.
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Issue medical certificates

If you are 20-30s or starting your first job, and annual health check-up is recommended.
Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start.
For over 30s, Annual physical exam for primary care of illness and lifestyle-related disease.
[Learn more]

first visit

Let's check the weak internal organs regularly with age. The liver and kidney are organs of silence. To a healthy internal organ with the regular examination. H. pylori statistically have possessed by nearly half of Japanese people. You can check it with correct treatment, so let's check it.
[Learn more]

블레즈 클리닉 진료 정책

■Part 1
블레즈 클리닉은 질병과 건강, 예방접종과 의약품에 대해 마음 놓고 상담할 수 있는 편안하고 안전한 병원을 지향합니다.

■Part 2
블레즈 클리닉은 지역사회에 이바지 하는 의료기관으로 환자 개개인의 요구에 맞는 치료를 제공하고 건강관리에 기여합니다.

■Part 3
블레즈 클리닉은 편안한 방콕 여행과 생활을 위해 합리적이고 정직한 운영과 치료를 제공 합니다.